Fall 2022 Hometown Messenger

Continued from page 3

the state-of-the-art sound system, sound will have limited leakage outside of the immediate amphitheater site” The developer envisions the amphitheater would hold as many as 40 to 60 events a year, with about 10-12 of those operating at maxi mum seating capacity Canterbury Commons has been blossom ing since its groundbreaking in 2018 Sev eral housing developments have been con structed in the neighborhood since then, with thousands of residents now calling the Com mons their home Additionally, the City Coun cil recently approved the construction of an 11,000 square foot building to house Badger Hill Brewing’s tap room and Bravis Modern Street Food’s new restaurant location The plans for the tap room include 121 indoor seats and 66 patio seats Bravis is planning to have 95 indoor seats and 34 patio seats “When we first started looking at developing Canterbury Commons, we knew this area had potential to be a thriving residential and com mercial entertainment destination,”City Admin istrator Bill Reynolds said “Seeing that come to fruitionmakesme proud of our City, our private sector partnerships, and the public infrastruc ture investments theCity hasmade in that area”

This rendering, courtesy Shea Design, shows an overhead view of the proposed amphitheater, with parking seen in the distance

River, so the amphitheater is designed to face toward an industrial area with a large awning type roof covering the stage “The environmental impacts of the proposal, including how far sound carries, have been reviewed extensively as part of a 700-page Envi ronmental Assessment Worksheet,” Kerski said “The developer has incorporated external sound mitigation in the design plans Combined with

The vision for the venue includes a covered seat ing area, beer lawn, various plaza areas, back stage loading area, and on-site parking with access to nearby Canterbury Park parking lots Noise concerns are being taken into consid eration with the design of the amphitheater, Kerski said Noise fromconcertsheld in-fieldat Canterbury Park has been known to travel as far as neighborhoods beyond the Minnesota



WHERE CAN I VOTE? You can go to the Secretary of State poll finder at https://pollfinder. sos.state.mn.us , which will show you maps of your city’s precincts and where your polling place is located During election years, you can also view a sample ballot for the upcoming election HOW DOES THE POLLING PLACE WORK? The polling place opens at 7 a m on Election Day When you enter, go to the first available person with a green poll pad They will ask for your name and how to spell it Once they find your name, they will ask you a question to confirm they have the right person’s informa tion You will have to sign your name on the screen confirming that the information is correct The election judge will then give you a bal lot receipt that you will take to the ballot judge The ballot judge will give you a ballot and instructions on how to fill out your ballot Please listen carefully to the instructions Then you take your ballot to the voting booth and make your selections When you are finished vot ing, take your ballot to the election judge by the tabulator and put your ballot into the machine Please wait until you hear the ding and see the number change on the screen Follow the instructions of the election judge If there are no errors and your ballot is accepted, take an “I voted” sticker, and exit the polling location WHEN IS ABSENTEE VOTING? General Election Absentee Voting In Person for Shakopee and Louis ville and Jackson Townships is happening from Sep 23 until Nov 7, 2022 at City Hall, 485 Gorman St Voting hours are from Monday–Fri day 8 a m –4:30 p m ; Saturday, Nov 5 from 10 a m –3 p m ; and Mon day, Nov 7 from 8 a m –5 p m

WHERE CAN I VOTE? Everyone in the County can also vote in person at the Scott County Public Works building located at 600 Country Trail E in Jordan from Monday–Friday 8 a m –4:30 p m ; Saturday, Nov 5 from10 a m –3 p m ; and Monday, Nov 7 from 8 a m –5 p m WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are still in need of election judges This is a paid volunteer posi tion If you are interested in serving, please visit our website at www ShakopeeMN gov/elections and click on the red “Become an Election Judge” button

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