Fall 2022 Hometown Messenger

The City of Shakopee will host an inaugural beer tasting and innovation event on Saturday, September 10, in the downtown Shakopee Lewis Street parking lot. Where Innovation Meets Brewing

Attendees will have opportunities to: Taste over 40 brewers’ agship beers Try TAP 2022 exclusive innovative beers Vote for your favorite beer Take home a keepsake tasting glass Listen to live music The event opens at noon for VIP ticket holders, $50 per person, who get in an hour early to spend time talking with the brewers. General admission tickets are $40 per person from 1–4 p.m.

Join us for a unique beer tasting event featuring these breweries: 09.10.22 Downtown Shakopee, MN V.I.P. Event: Noon–1 p.m. General Admission: 1–4 p.m.

How Can I Help You? Meet PublicWorks Park Supervisor Keith Raines Q: What do you do for the city? A: I work as the Park Supervisor for the City of Shakopee Q: How long have you worked for the city? A: I’ve worked over 22 years for the City of Shakopee Q: What do you enjoy about working for the city? A: I enjoy working with different groups within the city, such as the sporting association, volunteer organizations, and the residents of Shakopee Q: What’s the best part of your job? The best part of my job is working with like-minded people that share the goal of wanting to build a community for the City of Shakopee We all want Shakopee to be a great place to live, play, and work I also enjoy the variety of work; no day looks the same! Most of all, I enjoy being able to get out and see the people of Shakopee, whether at the parks or community events

Scan for tickets!

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit tap2022.org This event is brought to you by the City of Shakopee in partnership with Shakopee Public Utilities.


SUBMIT YOUR PHOTOS! Submit your photos to the 2022 Show Off Shakopee photo contest from September 1–30 to win cash prizes The grand prize winner will receive $100, and each category winner will receive $50 This year’s categories are: Nostalgia Hometown Pride the Great Outdoors Visit www.ShakopeeMN.gov/showoffshakopee to read submission guidelines and enter your photos We can’t wait to see what you have to show us!

NEW EMPLOYEES JOIN CITY STAFF Join us in welcoming these new employees to the City of Shakopee:

■ Alex McCarvel , Engineering Intern ■ Hunter Lagro , Engineering Intern ■ Amanda Handt , Engineering Intern ■ Sarah Thuriot , Ice Arena Specialist ■ Madeline Reckmeye r, Engineering Intern ■ James Gillum , Police Officer ■ JonWiseman , Police Officer ■ Janelle Nordtvedt , Police Records Technician ■ Kaylin Smith , Investigative Assistant ■ Jackson Gieseke , Part-time Firefighter

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