2023 City of Shakopee Budget
Budget Impact: The Department of Administration serves those who serve you, our customers. Much of our work is focused on ensuring staff in all city departments can serve you as efficiently and effectively as possible. We also strive to provide an example of excellence in customer service throughout our organization. Things are constantly changing in information technology (IT). Much of our focus in this area over the past couple of years has been on IT security while maintaining flexibility and mobility. With the increase of remote workers due to COVID-19 there has been an increase in the number and sophistication of IT security threats in business sectors across the world. The city maintains a vast amount of crucial data on both public and private matters. While most of the data we maintain is public information, it is still critically important that our data and systems remain safe from outside interference. A major priority in 2023 will be completion of a fiber redundancy path for secondary connections to external resources. This will allow for future infrastructure upgrades in areas of telephony, elimination of additional legacy communication points, and continue to increase employee mobility and flexibility. Our Human Resources team supports all employees to help ensure the City of Shakopee continues to have an engaged, well trained, and effective workforce. In 2023 the HR team has several priorities including refreshing some all-employee educational programs such as Respectful Workplace training, negotiating the three collective bargaining agreements that are nearing their end of term, and ongoing participation in the LOGIS group studying and potentially selecting a new ERP system for implementation in future years. Communications is at the heart of all we do in the City of Shakopee. We provide transparency and up-to-date information in everything we do. To better support these efforts, we’ve expanded the Communications Division from two to three employees in recent years. The team provides tremendous professional experience in the areas of journalism, video production and graphic design, ensuring residents can access city information across multiple platforms. In 2023, the team plans to begin translating materials for a Spanish-speaking audience before expanding into additional languages and digital translation as guided by the Communications Strategic Plan.
Administration 6.9%
Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Budget 2022 Budget 2023
Number of Employees (FTEs)
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