Winter 2021-22 Hometown Messenger

Each year the city must prepare a budget and property tax levy for the coming year. Staff has been analyzing revenues, expenditure information and initiatives to prepare a preliminary budget and levy for consideration. From providing fun recreation programs and beautiful parks to ensuring safe neighborhoods, maintaining high quality services enhances and protects people’s lives. Responsible fiscal management also builds the foundation for the city to run smoothly and provide effective, innovative programs and services while keeping in mind ways to evolve PROPOSED 2022 CITY TAX LEVY AND BUDGET 2022 budget provides quality service at reasonable price

to meet future expectations and demands as the city grows. Decisions are made in a manner that ensures the city’s ongoing ability to provide quality services at a reasonable price. Staff has proposed budgets with minimal or no impact to residents in recent years. However, the city is experiencing budget pressures, most notably from increasing personnel costs, as well as infrastructure construction and maintenance costs, neither of which are unique to Shakopee nor other local governments. In September, the City Council approved a maximum preliminary levy of

GET INVOLVED Residents and the general public are invited to the Tuesday, Dec. 7 City Council meeting at City Hall, 485 Gorman St., to provide feedback and comments on the proposed 2022 budget and tax levy.

$22,486,000. This is an increase of $1,468,000 (6.99 percent) over 2021 property taxes. Much of the increase will be covered by new construction, as the city’s estimated market value increased by $464 million (7.1 percent) to a total of $7 billion. New construction accounts for 34.9 percent of the increase in market value, allowing the tax levy impact to be spread across a larger tax base. For the median value home whose property value increased by 6.7%, from $266,800 to $284,700, this equates to an increase of $65 or 7.9% annually in property taxes. Absent any change in value from the previous year, homeowners can expect a tax increase of $2 or about 0.2%. The proposed tax levy will have a slight impact on the city’s tax rate from 32.106% to 32.174%. Permits and licenses now available via ePortal The City of Shakopee has transitioned to a new online permitting and licensing system to better serve residents, contractors and businesses. All city permits and licenses can now be obtained via our ePortal at There are no longer in-person requirements as in the past.

In the new ePortal, permit or license applicants will be required to register and create a new account, regardless of whether they had an account in the previous ePermit system. There is a computer kiosk at City Hall, 485 Gorman St., for anyone requiring internet or computer access to file an application. The ePortal allows for online building inspection scheduling, operates as a universal platform for plan reviews and allows applicants to submit backup materials online for items like dog licenses. Payment options have also been improved to now allow for debit and credit card payments, along with electronic checks.

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