Spring/Summer 2020 Parks and Recreation Activities Brochure

PRESCHOOL LEVELS (AGES 3-5 WITHOUT PARENT) Levels Prerequisites Skills to Develop

• Enter the water without a parent for the first time • Appreciation for the water, good attitudes and safe practices around the water • Water adjustment, including water entry and exit, breath control, buoyancy and basic swimming skills

Crayfish Preschool 1

No prerequisites

• Enter and exit the water safely and submerge their mouth to blow bubbles for 3 seconds. • Comfortable gliding on their front for at least 2 body lengths and floating on their back with minimal assistance for at least 3 seconds. • Ability to glide at least 2 body lengths unsupported on their front and back. • Float independently on their front and back. • Swim using a combined leg and arm action unsupported.


• Simultaneous and alternating arm and leg actions on front and back • Perform aquatic skills independently

Frog Preschool 2

Otter Preschool 3

• Coordination of combined simultaneous arm and leg actions

PROGRESSIVE LEVELS (AGES 6 & UP) Levels Prerequisites

Skills to Develop

No prerequisites • If your child has mastered the skills in Otter, they should go directly to Bluegill when they turn 6 years of age. • Enter the water independently, complete a glide on their front for 2 body lengths and back float for 10 seconds. • Comfortable submerging their face.

• Basic personal water safety information • Elementary aquatic skills, including floating on one’s own without support

Sunfish Level 1

Bluegill Level 2

• Front and back crawl • Arm action for elementary backstroke

• Font and back crawl • Leg action to the elementary backstroke • Introduction to dolphin kick and scissors kick • Treading water • Diving from the kneeling position

• Move into a front float for 10 seconds, roll to back and float for 10 seconds, swim front crawl and back crawl for at least 10 yards.

Trout Level 3

• Show stroke proficiency in the front crawl, back crawl and elementary backstroke. • Swim independently for 25 yards on front and back.

• Confidence in the strokes • Endurance and refining strokes

Walleye Level 4

• Arms to the scissors kick for the sidestroke • Introduction to breaststroke and butterfly

• Coordination of strokes • Performance of all the strokes, including front crawl, back crawl, butterfly, breaststroke, elementary backstroke and sidestroke • Introduction to flip turns • Refines the strokes so students swim them with ease, efficiency and power over greater distances • Focus on fitness swimming and developing lifelong water skills, increasing endurance and preparing individuals for advanced aquatic activities as lifeguard training and swim team

• Swim front crawl for 50 yards, elementary backstroke and back crawl for 25 yards, and breaststroke and sidestroke for 15 yards.

Salmon Level 5

• Efficiently swim with proper technique 100 yards of front crawl, 50 yards of elementary backstroke and back crawl and 25 yards of breaststroke and sidestroke.

Muskie Level 6

Adult Ages 15 & up

No prerequisites

• Curriculum will be based on participant interests and goals


P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122


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