Spring 2021 Hometown Messenger
Please note, events are subject to cancellation or changes due to the current public health guidelines by the CDC and Minnesota Department of Health. Find the latest city calendar at www.ShakopeeMN.gov/calendar. MARCH 27 Egg Hunt & Candy Grab, 1-6 p.m., Lions Park; Registration required APRIL 1 Winter parking regulations end 12-16 SevereWeather Awareness Week . Tornado drills at 1:45 and 6:55 p.m. April 15. 24 Clean Up Day , 7:30-11:30 a.m., Shakopee Public Works 24 Tree Sale Pick-Up , 1-4 p.m., Shakopee Public Works MAY 5 Shakopee Open Book Meeting , 5-7 p.m., Scott County Government Center 15 Bark in the Park , 10 a.m.-Noon, Lions Park 31 Memorial Day , city offices and Community Center closed. JUNE 3 Wheelies Family Bike Event , 5-7 p.m., Huber Park 1 Night to Unite Registration opens , city website.
Hello, Shakopee! One year ago, life changed for all of us. As we approach a full year living within the COVID pandemic, we have all given up so much of normal life. We’ve lost family, friends and neighbors to this terrible illness. We’ve lost jobs, businesses, time with loved ones, treasured life events and just the feeling of normal. Everyone has sacrificed in different ways. I want to thank each of our Shakopee residents for your resilience and endurance through this past year. All around us, I see signs of hope that things are improving and life is slowly returning a little more to what we once knew.
Mayor Bill Mars
Browsing through the Spring/Summer 2021 Parks and Recreation Activities Brochure, I see brighter days ahead. I can imagine the kids playing T-ball at Sun Path Elementary and community members gathering on the lawn at Huber Park for our summer concert series. I look forward to the opening of SandVenture Aquatic Park and seeing programs for our active older adults restart. The Spring 2021 Hometown Messenger is full of news about ongoing and upcoming projects in our community. The COVID pandemic has not slowed developers’ interest in Shakopee. This edition specifically provides updates on park and trail development, as the city responds to the community’s expressed desire in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan to provide more opportunities to connect with nature. Being stuck at home more has only emphasized what a jewel our city’s parks and trail system truly is. We know, however, Shakopee and our city government have room to improve, too, and we rely on the feedback of our residents to identify strengths and areas for improvement. I highly encourage you to watch for opportunities to participate in the City of Shakopee community survey later this spring. While 2,000 households will receive direct invitations to participate, all residents can take the online survey in late April. Watch for more information. Shakopee is a strong, thriving community, full of generous people who care about one another. As I reflect on this past year and how the pandemic has changed our lives, one thing has not changed: I am so proud to call this city home. I wish you all a happy and healthy spring. Bill Mars Mayor of Shakopee wmars@ShakopeeMN.gov
MAYOR Bill Mars ...................................................... wmars@ShakopeeMN.gov COUNCIL MEMBERS JodyBrennan .......................................... jbrennan@ShakopeeMN.gov Angelica Contreras ........................... acontreras@ShakopeeMN.gov Matt Lehman ......................................... MattLehmanSr@comcast.net Jay Whiting ............................................................... jaywhtng@aol.com CITY ADMINISTRATOR William Reynolds ............................... breynolds@ShakopeeMN.gov
CITY HALL 485 Gorman St., Shakopee, MN 55379
Phone .................................................................................... 952-233-9300 TTY ......................................................................................... 952-233-3837 Email .............................................. administration@ShakopeeMN.gov Website .............................................................. www.ShakopeeMN.gov The Hometown Messenger is produced four times a year by the City of Shakopee. Comments or suggestions can be directed to the editor, Kristin Doran, at kdoran@ShakopeeMN.gov.
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