Spring 2021 Hometown Messenger

PARK UPDATES Quarry Lake Park to feature natural park elements and amenities The Shakopee City Council approved a nature-inspired concept design for Quarry Lake Park. The proposed design includes beach access, an accessible canoe and kayak launch and more informal seating areas. The park features a picnic shelter with benches and grills, a rope-based climbing playground and an open lawn. The design also features a small pump track to compliment the mountain biking course to the south of the park. As part of the Parks, Trails and Recreation Master Plan, Quarry Lake Park was identified as a community park in need of upgrades. City staff reached out to the community to solicit feedback on two proposed park designs with 80 percent of survey respondents preferring a nature-inspired design. City staff will work with its consultant, Confluence, to develop construction documents with construction scheduled for 2022-23. Mountain bike trail construction is scheduled to start in spring 2021. Scenic Heights Park to serve all ages The City Council recently approved a multi-generational

Construction ongoing at Ridge Creek Park Crews are constructing the new Ridge Creek Park in the Ridge Creek neighborhood, south of County Highway 21. This nature-centric, passive park includes a new regional trail, boardwalk and realignment of the Prior Lake Outlet Channel. Construction is anticipated through November 2021. Stagecoach Park construction starts in May At its March 2 meeting, the city awarded a contract to Northwest Asphalt for the construction of Stagecoach Park. This neighborhood park will serve the residents of Stagecoach neighborhood, who are currently without park space. The park will include picnic table and grill, natural and hard surface trails, a turf lawn area and native restoration area. Construction is anticipated to start in May. Timber Trails playground to be replaced The City Council approved a nature-centric concept design for Quarry Lake Park that will allow residents to enjoy a variety of outdoor activities at the east Shakopee park.

concept design for Scenic Heights Park, 1195 Ruby Lane. The proposed design includes pickleball courts, an expanded playground and large bankshot course. City staff reached out to neighborhood residents to solicit feedback on two proposed park designs. Most residents preferred a more multi- generational park where residents of all ages can play and relax along the Vierling Greenway. The park will also incorporate native plantings and an edible landscaped portion in cooperation with SHIP. The city plans to phase park improvements over the coming years as the park development budget allows. The first phase of the project - playground replacement - will be completed in 2021.

The playground at Timber Trails Park will be replaced this spring.

The new playground will replace the park's aging equipment and feature more traditional elements, including a jungle gym with slides, swings and a rope climbing structure. Timber Trails is located at 1397 Blue Heron Trail in south Shakopee.

The larger Scenic Heights Park playground will move to the former outdoor rink location north of the park shelter. Construction to start in 2021.

To get updates on all these projects, visit www.ShakopeeMN.gov/ parkprojects or sign up for updates at www.ShakopeeMN.gov/ subscribe .

Spring 2021 9

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