Shakopee Snapshot: Winter 2023-24


CANTERBURY AMPHITHEATER Construction has started on the Canterbury Amphithe ater just east of Canterbury Park near Unbridled Avenue The 19,000-seat outdoor amphitheater is being devel oped by Swervo Development Corporation, which also redeveloped the 1930s era Armory building in Minneap olis as a music and entertainment venue The developer estimates the amphitheater could host as many as 40 to 60 events per year, with about 10 to 12 of those operating at maximum seating capacity The amphitheater is expected to open sometime in mid-2025

To watch the Canterbury Amphi theater episode of The Dig, scan the QR code or visit CityofShakopeeMN

HIGHVIEW PARK DEVELOPMENT The Highview Park Development is underway south of County Road 78 and east and west of Zumbro Avenue The first phase of development, which is in progress, will include about 122 single-family homes and 50 units of twin homes The applicant plans to build out the devel opment further over the next several years, for an even tual total of 496 single-family homes and 92 units of twin homes

To watch the Highview Park Devel opment episode of The Dig, scan the QR code or visit CityofShakopeeMN

■ Otso Cycles, which makes versatile, performance-first bikes inspired by the spirit of the Northwoods ■ Written Hugs Designs, which creates thoughtful and sensitive cards for difficult situations More than 40 Minnesota-based brewers were in attendance showcas ing their flagship brews, along with unique brews made just for TAP To receive updates when TAP 2024 dates and ticket sales are announced, sign up at

CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BIG WINNERS OF TAP 2023! Winners were chosen by a vote of attendees

First Place: Back Channel Brewing Spring Park, Minn. :

Second Place: Fat Pants Brewing Co. Eden Prairie, Minn. :

Third Place: Kinney Creek Brewery Rochester, Minn. :

Winter 2023–24 9

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