Shakopee Snapshot: Winter 2023-24


A life-saving boost City receives grant for 20 AEDs to equip public spaces The City of Shakopee was fortunate this year to be the recipient of a grant award for 20 auto mated external defibrillators (AEDs) for use around the community The grant award, valuing more than $41,000, comes from the University of Minnesota Center for Resuscitation Medicine, with funding from the Helmsley Charitable Trust “We are incredibly grateful for this potentially life-saving grant award,” Police Chief Jeff Tate said “Having access to an AED during a cardiac event drastically improves the odds of survival” According to the American Heart Association, nine out of 10 cardiac arrest patients who receive a shock from an AED in the first minute survive And CPR plays a major role in survival odds, as well, with the chances of survival decreasing by 10% every minute a cardiac arrest patient goes without CPR The locations of the new AEDs are still being determined as city staff identifies places around the city that currently lack AED access With the police department being trained on the new AEDs this fall, they hope to have them rolled out in December WHAT DO I DO IF I NEED TO USE AN AED? According to Sgt Derek Nordtvedt, the first thing you should do if someone nearby is having a cardiac event is to call 911 “The sooner first responders can get notified, the sooner they can help,” Nordtvedt said Next, someone should start CPR while someone else readies the AED Inside the AED box are pads and a diagram showing where to place them on the patient’s bare skin “Once the AED is by the patient, turn it on and follow the instructions,” Nordtvedt said “They are very easy to use The AED will talk you through the process” The first thing the AED will do is analyze whether the person needs an electric shock If no shock is advised, it will tell you to resume CPR “Having an AED close by can provide that cardiac patient with live-saving measures,” Nordtvedt said “The sooner any life-saving measures can get started, the better it can be for the patient”


We don’t talk about or thank our Shakopee Crime Prevention group enough

Shakopee Police Chief Jeff Tate

Shakopee Crime Prevention Inc is a nonprofit organization made up of Shakopee residents and businesses whose mission is to raise money and awareness for crime prevention initiatives in the city This group holds several fundraisers throughout the year The funds support police department initiatives like Shop with a Cop, Night to Unite, and our Recovery Assistance Program Many of the events you see officers attending happen because we have this wonderful group supporting and funding the initiative Every time we propose a new idea, like etching catalytic converters, the Crime Prevention Board community and reducing crime I would encourage any of you who may want to get involved to consider joining the cause or making a donation by reaching out to our Crime Prevention Specialist Stef Janke at We are fortunate to have a safe community, and the Shakopee Crime Prevention inc plays a significant role in our crime levels staying at record lows I want to thank everyone who has served on this board You are making our jobs in law enforcement easier and our community safer We truly appreciate everything you do from wrapping presents at Shop with a Cop to selling tickets at a meat raffle We appreciate everything you do funds and supports the program Everyone who is on the board is a volunteer They care about the

Nine out of 10 cardiac arrest patients who are shocked by an AED within one minute survive

Winter 2023–24 13

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