Spring/Summer 2022 Parks and Recreation Activities Brochure
YOUTH SPORTS ASSOCIATIONS The City of Shakopee works collaboratively with Shakopee's youth sports associations.
DISC GOLF LEAGUES Get out and meet others in the disc golf community while enjoying some friendly competition. DUOS BEST SHOT Choose one other person to be your partner. Both throw from the same location and use the best shot. Lions Park Disc Golf Course, 1103 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Wed. May 4–Jun. 8 6–8 p.m. 17+ $30 DGL 504 SOLO Go head-to-head against everyone else in the league. There is no one else to help you out. Lions Park Disc Golf Course, 1103 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Wed. Jun. 29–Aug. 3 6–8 p.m. 17+ $30 DGL 629 DUO ALTERNATE SHOT Choose one other person to be your partner. Decide who throws first and then take turns playing from each other’s lie. Lions Park Disc Golf Course, 1103 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Wed. Aug. 24–Sep. 28 6–8 p.m. 17+ $30 DGL 824
PICKLEBALL LEAGUE Get in on the fast-paced fun and compete in this ladder-style league. Players sign up individually and play three games a week with rotating partners at similar skills levels. Lions Park, 1103 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Hockey Association: www.shakopeehockey.com Mat Club (Wrestling): www.shakopeewrestling.com Tennis Association: www.shakopeetennis.com Lacrosse Association: www.shakopeelacrosse.org Each is governed by a board of directors that meets regularly and sets policies for its own association independent of the city and Shakopee School District. Please check each individual association on their current programs and registration procedures. 2022 CONTACTS Youth Baseball Association: www.shakopeeyouthbaseball.com Girls Softball Association: www.shakopeegirlssoftball.com Football Association: www.shakopeefootball.com Shakopee Soccer Association: www.shakopeesoccer.com Girls Basketball Association: www.shakopeebasketball.com Boys Basketball Association: www.shakopeeboysbasketball.com Volleyball Association: www.shakopeevolleyballassociation.com
May 9–Jul. 25 (No league May 30, Jul. 4)
AS 509
6–7 p.m.
18+ $15 Resident $25 Non-Res
45+ SENIOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE Calling all interested players who are looking for a fun, recreational, pickup softball league. Participants meet once a week and play a game or two. Wooden bats and pitching carpet are used (provided). There is no sliding. Tahpah Park Fields 6 & 7, 1490 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
May 3–Aug. 9 (No league May 31, Jul. 5)
$15 Resident $25 Non-Res
ASOFT 2022
6–7 p.m.
www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration | P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122 11
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