Spring/Summer 2022 Parks and Recreation Activities Brochure
Register at www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration
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FOR THE LOVE OF THE GAME � akpe ti Lounge Mahjong players seek new recruits
E HUNT & CANDY GRAB APRIL 9 LIONS PARK Mark your calendar for the annual Egg Hunt, sponsored by Shakopee Parks and Recreation.
Cost: $5 per child (parents are free) Time: 1–2:30 p. m. Code: SE 1409 Time: 3–4:30 p. m. Code: SE 2409 E HUNTS, GAMES, CRAFTS AND MORE! REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SAT. APR. 2
SATURDAY, MAY 14 10 a.m.–Noon at Lions Park Bring your pup to this free event featuring dog-friendly vendors, products and resources. ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Demonstration by Scott County K9 O cer Floyd, Pup-arazzi sel e photos with your dog, Dog Confessional Booth, Bobbing for Balls, Biscuit Walk, Door Prizes ALL DOGS MUST BE LEASHED. Registration is required at www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration
S ail into S
Thursday, June 2 5–7 p.m. Huber Park
Friday, June 10 11 a.m.–1 p.m. SandVenture Aquatic Park A great way to kick o the summer! Enjoy free giveaways, games and activities in and out of the water.
Police Department Surplus Bike Silent Auction | Bike Helmet Giveaway | Bike Registration | Safety and Educational Handouts | Door Prizes, Games and More! Free Event, No Registration Required
Shakopee Parks and Recreation | Recreation Hotline 952-233-9502
CITY PROGRAMS Registration Information. . . . 4 Preschool Programs. . . . . . . 6 Youth Programs. . . . . . . . . 8 Adult Sports. . . . . . . . . . 11 Active Older Adults . . . . . . 12 Family & Special Events. . . . . . . . 14 Aquatics. . . . . . . . . . . . 16 SandVenture Aquatic Park. . . 18 Fitness. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Community Center/Ice Arena. . . 20 Park Facilities . . . . . . . . . 21 Cover Photo: From left: Lou Hennen, Pat Boeckman, Gwen Olson, and Sandy Rients play Mahjong together every Wednesday.
The regular Mahjong players at the Community Center say the weekly activity helps break up the week while they enjoy time with friends.
For the Love of the Game Ṡ akpe ti Lounge Mahjong players seek new recruits
Mahjong is a Chinese game played usu- ally by groups of four people, with 136 or 144 rectangular tiles. The object is to collect winning sets of the tiles, similar to the card game gin rummy. Being that Mahjong is so involved, Rients said it can be difficult to recruit new play- ers for their Wednesday game day. In fact, even after taking a class on the game rules, Rients felt nervous to play with oth- ers at the Community Center. “I felt like I wasn’t good enough to come play, but everybody here is willing to help,” she said. The group is hoping to attract other active older adults to join them. Part of the fun is branching out of your usual social circle and learning something new while mak- ing new connections, Olson said. “It’s a good way to make friends and meet people,”Hennen said. “We just like to play.”
In a world where it’s difficult to gather in pub- lic without spendingmoney or feeling rushed, Shakopee resident Sandy Rients loves her weekly afternoon of Mahjong with friends at the Community Center. “There’s no pressure here,” Rients said. “You don’t have to buy anything or make a dessert or clean your house.” Rients meets other local Mahjong players at 1 p.m. every Wednesday in the Commu- nity Center’s Ṡ akpe ti Lounge. The lounge is a place for Shakopee’s active older adults to gather and socialize, with a full kitchen, com- fortable chairs and television. Shakopee residents Lou Hennen, Pat Boeck- man, Gwen Olson and Rients met through a Mahjong class offered at the Community Center before the COVID-19 pandemic. They and others became fast friends and played together every Wednesday until the pan- demic forced a long break. A series of phone calls in 2021 brought them back together. “All your problems are gone when you’re here because you’re concentrated on the game,” Rients said. “And it’s good for your brain and memory,” Boeckman said.
COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS All programs will follow current federal and state health guidelines and are subject to change or cancellation. Note, many of the photos included in this brochure were taken pre-COVID precautions.
On days of inclement weather, the message will be updated 30 minutes prior to the start of the program.
For questions about the lounge or the active older adults programming, contact Mary Feltmann at mfeltmann@ShakopeeMN.gov .
www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration | P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122 3
HOWTO REGISTER 1. ONLINE @ WWW.SHAKOPEEMN.GOV/REGISTRATION The city offers online registration for programs and events. To register online, you must have an online account for you and/or your family. Note: If applying for financial assistance, you must apply in person at Shakopee Parks and Recreation Department to complete the application. 2. IN-PERSON Registrations are accepted in person at the Community Center. 3. BY MAIL Print a registration form from www.ShakopeeMN.gov/recreation/programs Mail registration form and payment to: Shakopee Parks and Recreation Department
1255 Fuller Street S. Shakopee, MN 55379
NON-RESIDENT FEE POLICY All participants living outside the city lim- its of Shakopee must pay a $10 non-resi- dent fee for each program. This amount is per participant per class and must be paid when registering. Non- resident fees are not applicable to one day events, field trips, youth associations or adult athletic leagues. Jackson and Louisville Township resident registrations: The amount due will be listed based on your residency. The $10 will be paid by the township at the end of the year. If it is not correct, please call our office at 952-233-9500. FAQs I have a Shakopee address. Why am I not considered a resident? Even though your mailing address is Sha- kopee, you reside in a township or adjacent community. Your tax dollars are not directed to themunicipality of Shakopee. School Dis- trict boundaries and city boundaries are not the same. Why does a non-resident have to pay more than a resident? Residents within city limits have a portion of their tax dollars support city services. Slightly higher fees for non-residents are intended to keep the financial aspect fair.
REGISTRATION DEADLINES Registration deadlines are established for each class to help ensure appropriate staff- ing, supplies and facilities to meet regis- tration needs. Please refer to the program descriptions for each program’s registra- tion deadline. If no registration deadline is listed, the deadline is seven days before the program begins. YOUTH ASSOCIATIONS SPECIAL REGISTRATION DATES Most youth athletic associations have spe- cific dates for registration. Please check individual program information to ensure you register correctly. The Shakopee Com- munity Center does not accept registra- tions for youth associations. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS How do I know I'm in? You can assume you are in the class you registered for unless you receive a call to the contrary. We will call you only if: ■ The class you chose has reached its registration limit and you were placed on the waiting list. ■ Your second choice was processed. ■ Your registration form is incomplete. Can I transfer to another class? We will make every effort to accommodate your request to transfer to another class; however, that may not always be possible.
There is a $5 service fee chargedon all class transfers that must be paid at the time of request. We appreciate your understand- ing when we are not able to accommo- date cancellations, transfers or registra- tions after the registration deadlines. Do programs have a waiting list? Due to facility space and staff limitations, many classes have registration limits.When classes have reached their maximum regis- tration, a wait list will be started. If an open- ing becomes available, it will be offered to the first/next person on the waiting list until the opening is filled. Every effort will be made to create addi- tional class sessions, and you will be con- tacted if your registration is able to be accommodated. Once the class begins, if we have been unable to accommodate you, we will return any fee(s) paid. What is your refund policy? Registration fees for programs canceled by the Parks and Recreation Department receive a full refund. If you cancel your registration before the registration deadline, we will refund your registration fee, minus a $5 processing fee. No refunds will be given if a cancellation is requested after the registration deadline. What happens if I miss a class? Make-ups for individual missed classes will not be accommodated.
4 Shakopee Parks & Recreation Department Activities Brochure | Spring/Summer 2022
INCLUSION POLICY & PROCESS The City of Shakopee is dedicated to providing:
■ Opportunities for everyone to be a valued customer and welcomed participant in programs, regardless of ability level. ■ Reasonable accommodations as needed. When registering for a program, please indicate the partici- pant’s special need. Then, contact Carla Kress at 952-233-9516 three weeks prior to the start of the program to discuss strategies for inclusion and for staff to gather information about the partici- pant. You may be asked to complete a confidential intake assess- ment in order for staff to gain appropriate information about the participant’s abilities. HOPE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Financial aid for qualifying residents with financial limitations is available. For more information please contact the department at 952-233-9505, Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Applications are valid from Sept. 1–Aug. 30. Requests must be made one week before you plan to register. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES The Parks and Recreation Department is seeking volunteers to strengthen our community by: ■ Providing an opportunity for residents to contribute to city government ■ Facilitating active partnerships between city staff and community members ■ Enriching city programs through volunteer involvement and participation ■ Helping citizens become more familiar with city programs, services and issues Volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to: Adopt-a- Park, annual community special events, Huber Park Performance and Event Series, inclusion aide, active older adults programs, Summer Beach Bash, summer youth programs and trips, teen center programs and more. Contact Carla Kress at 952-233-9516 for more information about volunteer opportunities.
PHOTO/VIDEO POLICY Periodically, we take pictures or video par- ticipants in various Parks and Recreation Department programs, special events or
people enjoying the parks. NOTE: These photos may appear in any city publica- tion, third-party media outlet or in promotional and marketing materials. Participation in or attendance at programs or events sponsored by the city constitutes voluntary consent. More information is available at www.ShakopeeMN.gov/communications . DATA PRIVACY & LIABILITYWAIVER The Data Privacy Act requires we inform you of your rights about the private data we are requesting on our forms. Private data is available to you but not to the public. The information you provide will be made available to city staff persons in the Parks and Rec- reation Department, other program participants, the city’s insurer and attorney, and to the coach, supervisor or instructor of the activity, who may be a city employee or volunteer. You can with- hold this data, but we may not be able to complete your registra- tion and/or you may not receive updated program information. As lawful consideration for being permitted to participate in the City of Shakopee Parks and RecreationDepartment program listed above, I agree that the City of Shakopee, School District #720, and/or City Affiliated Athletic Associations shall be held harm- less and exempt from liability for any injury or disability which I or the participant of the program listed above might incur as the result of participation in the program, due to the passive or active negligence of the City, School, Association, its agents, employees, elected officials, or volunteers. This release of liability of the City of Shakopee, School District #720, and/or City Affiliated Athletic Associations does not include any injuries that I or the participant of the program incur as the result of willful, wanton or intentional misconduct by the City of Shakopee, School District #720, and/or City Affiliated Athletic Associations, its agents, employees, elected officials or volunteers. This agreement is specifically binding upon my spouse, heirs and assigns and the spouses, heirs and assigns of the participant of the program.
www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration | P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122 5
Registration deadlines are one week prior to the program start date unless otherwise listed.
MUSIC TOGETHER Discover the joy of making Music Together! Sing, laugh, move and learn along with your baby, toddler or preschooler for 45 minutes of fun each week in these award-winning classes. Community Center Lower Level Multi-Purpose Room, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS
GO GYMNASTICS Be introduced to physical activity by focusing on strength, flexibility, coordination, body awareness and self-confidence. Community Center Lower Level Multi-Purpose Room, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Tinys SCAN ME FOR MORE INFO!
$169 Resident $179 Non-Res $80 2nd child discount
MT 601
9:15–10 a.m.
Wed. Jun. 22–Aug. 17 (no class Jul. 6)
8 mo.–5 w/parent
GYM 1418 GYM 3418 GYM 1613 GYM 4613 GYM 1725 GYM 4725 GYM 2418 GYM 4418 GYM 2613 GYM 5613 GYM 2725 GYM 5725
10–10:30 a.m. 4:45–5:15 p.m. 9:45–10:15 a.m. 4:45–5:15 p.m. 9:45–10:15 a.m. 4:45–5:15 p.m. 10:45–11:30 a.m. 5:30–6:15 p.m. 10:30–11:15 a.m. 5:30–6:15 p.m. 10:30–11:15 a.m. 5:30–6:15 p.m.
Apr. 18–May 16
MT 602
10:15–11 a.m.
Jun. 13–Jul.18 (No class Jul. 4)
18 mo.–3 w/parent
$70 Resident $80 Non-Res
MUSIC TOGETHER – FREE DEMO CLASSES These demo classes are a great opportunity to try out the Music Together class to see if it will be a good fit for you and your child! Classes are free but registration for each child is required. For ages 8 months–5 years old, with a parent. Community Center Lower Level Multi-Purpose Room, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
Jul. 25–Aug. 22
Apr. 18–May 16
Jun. 13–Jul.18 (No class Jul. 4)
$75 Resident $85 Non-Res
MTD 1601 MTD 2602
Jun. 8
9:15–10 a.m. 10:15–11 a.m.
Jun. 15
Jul. 25–Aug. 22
LITTLE TIGERS Learn basic self-defense and martial arts skills while developing coordination and flexibility. Community Center Lower Level Multi-Purpose Room, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
GYM 5418
Apr. 18–May 16 6:30–7:15 p.m.
11:30 a.m– 12:15 p.m.
GYM 3613
Jun. 13–Jul.18 (No class Jul. 4)
$75 Resident $85 Non-Res
GYM 6613
6:30–7:15 p.m.
11:30 a.m.– 12:15 p.m.
GYM 3725
$59 Resident $69 Non-Res
Jul. 25–Aug. 22
PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS Thu. Jun. 16–Jul. 7 10:20–11 a.m.
PSLT 616
GYM 6725
6:30–7:15 p.m.
CAMP LITTLE O’S Bring your little ones to Kids Cove for a fun morning of games, sports, arts, crafts and more! Kids Cove, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
KID FIT HIIT Join GO Gymnastics in this fun fast-paced fitness class for kids! We will warm up then focus on a variety of stations to help build strength, balance, endurance and keep kids active and healthy. Community Center Lower Level Multi-Purpose Room, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
PS 623 PS 804
Jun. 23–Jul. 21 No class Jul. 7 9–11 a.m.
$40 Resident $50 Non-Res
GYM 1607 GYM 2607 GYM 1705 GYM 2705 GYM 1802 GYM 2802
5:30–6 p.m.
4–6 5–7 4–6 5–7 4–6 5–7
Aug. 4–25
Jun. 7–28
6:15–6:45 p.m.
5:30–6 p.m.
$60 Resident $70 Non-Res
LITTLEWILDLIFE EXPLORERS Participants will learn about a variety of topics, including weather watching, animal sounds, creature habitats, rivers and streams, insects and more. Memorial Park, 1801 County Rd 101 Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Wed. Jun. 22–Aug. 3 (No class Jul. 6) 9–10 a.m. 3–6 $49 Resident $59 Non-Res WILD 1622
Jul. 5–26
6:15–6:45 p.m.
5:30–6 p.m.
Aug. 2–23
6:15–6:45 p.m.
MINI MOVERS DANCE This introductory dance class teaches the fundamentals and techniques of dance. No dance shoes required, just wear socks and comfy clothes. Youth Building, 1099 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
PSD 341 PSD 561
4:15–5 p.m. 5:15–6 p.m.
3–4 5–6
$47 Resident $57 Non-Res
Mon. Jun. 20–Aug.1 (No class Jul. 4)
6 Shakopee Parks & Recreation Department Activities Brochure | Spring/Summer 2022
LITTLE SLUGGERS CAMP This camp focuses on the fundamental skills of baseball/softball, such as throwing, catching, hitting, and base running. Muenchow Field 2, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
SOCCER SKILLS AND DRILLS Each week participants will practice basic soccer skills by going through drills, playing games and competing in challenges. No experience is needed. Muenchow Fields, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
Jun. 24-Aug. 5 (No class Jul. 8)
$32 Resident $42 Non-Res
PYLS 2022
9–10 a.m.
PYSS 001
Jun. 21–Aug. 4 (No class Jul. 5 & 7) Jun. 21–Aug. 4 (No class Jul. 5 & 7)
9–10:15 a.m.
Tue. & Thu.
$47 Resident $57 Non-Res
BIG HITTERS This camp introduces kids to the sport of baseball/softball by focusing on the fundamentals of throwing, catching, hitting, and base running. Muenchow Field 2, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
PYSS 002
10:30–11:45 a.m. 6–8
PYBH 2022
Jun. 24–Aug. 5 (No class Jul. 8)
10:15–11:15 a.m. 5–6 $35 Resident $45 Non-Res
Learn about what Shakopee Police officers do and the equipment they use to keep our community safe. This event includes a tour of the station, a squad car demo, finger printing and craft project. Shakopee Police Department, 475 Gorman St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Fri. Jun. 24 10–11:15 a.m. 3–5 w/parent $5 PSSE 624 LITTLE FIREFIGHTERS PRESCHOOL FIRE SAFETY Get a chance to be a firefighter, wear the equipment and learn how to crawl low under smoke. We’ll also play some games and make a craft to take home. Shakopee Fire Station 1, 2700 Vierling Drive Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Fri. Jul. 8 10–11:15 a.m. 3–5 w/parent $5 PSSE 708 BIG RIGS Get up close and personal with a variety of special heavy-duty equipment and vehicles Shakopee maintenance workers use to get the jobs done. Shakopee Public Works, 400 Gorman St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Fri. Jul. 15 10–11:15 a.m. 3–5 w/parent $5 PSSE 715 NATURE ART Take out your creative caps as we go out in nature to find our inspiration and craft supplies. Make nature crowns, collages and much more. Memorial Park, 1801 County Rd 101 Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Fri. Jul. 22 10–11:15 a.m. 3–5 $5 PSSE 722 WATER-MANIA MORNING Celebrate the summer heat with water balloons and water relays. Come prepared to get wet. Youth Building, 1099 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Fri. Jul. 29 10–11:15 a.m. 3–5 $5 PSSE 729
K.I.D.S. (KIDS IN DEVELOPMENTAL SPORTS) Learn the basic rules and fundamentals for different sports. Each week we’ll focus on a sport in a fun, non-competitive environment.
Day Date
Ages Cost
Muenchow Fields, 1255 Fuller St. S.
Jun. 20–Jul. 18 No class July 4 9–10 a.m. Jul. 25–Aug. 15 9–10 a.m.
PYKD 001
3–6 $35 Resident $45 Non-Res
PYKD 002
Green Meadows Park, 3100 Thrush St.
3–6 $35 Resident $45 Non-Res PYKD 003
Jul. 25–Aug. 15 1–2 p.m.
Hiawatha Park, 625 Seventh Ave E.
PYKD 005 PYKD 006 PYKD 004 PYKD 007 PYKD 008
5–6 p.m.
3–4 5–6 3–6 3–4 5–6
Jun. 22–Jul. 20 (No class Jul. 6)
6:15–7:15 p.m.
$35 Resident $45 Non-Res
Jul. 25–Aug. 15 5:30–6:30 p.m.
5–6 p.m.
Jul. 27–Aug. 17
6:15–7:15 p.m.
Registration deadline: Two weeks prior to program start date
FALL MICRO-SOCCER Learn the basic skills and fundamentals of soccer while playing small- sided games. Volunteer coaches are needed. Participants should bring
their own size 4 ball and shin guards. Muenchow Fields, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time
Ages Cost
Tue. & Thu.
4–6 $30 Resident $40 Non-Res YMS 816
Aug. 16–Sep. 15 6–7 p.m.
www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration | P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122 7
Registration deadlines are one week prior to the program start date unless otherwise listed.
YOUTH PROGRAMS PICKLEBALL 4 KIDZ Learn Pickleball rules and practice fun drills to work on positioning, serving, dinking and hitting. Lions Park Tennis Courts, 1103 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code NEARBALL Learn more advanced skills of baseball, such as catching fly balls, base running and hitting a ball as pitched by a coach. The season is split between skill sessions and games. Parents are needed to coach. Sun Path Elementary, 2250 17th Ave. E. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Thu. Jul. 7–28 11 a.m.–Noon 6–12 $15 Resident $25 Non-Res YP 804
AFTERNOON ADVENTURE FOR GIRLS Enjoy a variety of arts and crafts, music, sports and games. Westminster Park, 801 Valley View Rd. Day Date Time
Ages Cost
Jun. 21–Aug. 2 (No class Jul. 5) Jun. 23–Aug. 4 (No class Jul. 7)
YAS 001
1–2:30 p.m.
6–12 $40 Resident $50 Non-Res
YAS 002
WILDLIFE EXPLORERS Learn about a variety of nature-related topics including weather, animal sounds, creature habitats, rivers and streams, insects and more. Memorial Park, 1801 County Rd 101 Day Date Time Ages Cost Code TRAIL EXPLORERS Bring your bike, and we’ll explore some of Shakopee’s awesome parks and trails, stopping along the way to check out our playgrounds. Lions Park, 1103 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Wed. Jun. 22–Aug. 3 (No class Jul. 6) 10:30 a.m.– Noon 6–12 $50 Resident $60 Non-Res WILD 2622
Jun. 6–Jul. 20 (No ball on Jul. 4 or 6)
Mon. & Wed.
$37 Resident $47 Non-Res
PYNB 001
6–8:30 p.m.
Registration deadline: Mon., May 2
T-BALL Learn the fundamentals of throwing, catching, batting, running the bases and good sportsmanship in a non-competitive atmosphere. Sun Path Elementary, 2250 17th Ave. E. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
YP 624 YP 715 YP 805
Jun. 24 Jul. 15 Aug. 5
Jun. 21–Aug. 2 (No T-Ball on Jul. 5)
PYTB 001
6–7 p.m.
9 a.m.–Noon 5–12 $15
$40 Resident $50 Non-Res
PYTB 002
7:15–8:15 p.m.
Jun. 23–Aug. 4 (No T-Ball Jul. 7) 6:15–7:15 p.m.
PYTB 003
SABERTRAX Learn basic fundamentals and techniques to many track and field events while building strength, speed and endurance. The week ends with a fun “meet” for participants. T-shirt included. Vaughn Field, 100 10th Ave. E. Day Date Time Grades Cost Code Mon– Thu. Jul. 11–14 5:30–6:30 p.m. 1–6 $42 Resident $52 Non-Res TX 001 PLANET SPIRIT CHEER CAMP This four-day camp includes instruction on basic cheerleading skills such as jumps, motions, cheers, chants, stunts and dance. Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Dates Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Thu. Jun. 13–16 9 a.m.–Noon 5–13 $70 Resident $80 Non-Res YP 613 Registration deadline: Mon., Jun. 27
PARTY CRASHERS RC RACING (NEW) Interested in RC Cars? Want to try racing them on a custom track? Then come join us as we explore what makes them work and to try themout. Participants will leave with a better understanding and a lot of time testing their driving skills on a few different types of RC Cars. Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
YP 1616 YP 2616
6–7:10 p.m.
Jun. 16
6–12 $29 Resident $39 Non-Res
7:20–8:30 p.m.
8 Shakopee Parks & Recreation Department Activities Brochure | Spring/Summer 2022
FLAG FOOTBALL ‘FUN’DAMENTALS Each week throughout the camp we will focus on offensive, defensive or
CARVER COUNTY PARKS Shakopee Parks and Recreation is teaming up with Carver County Parks to offer unique outdoor programs. Transportation for all programs will be provided and will leave from the Community Center. Meet and loading times are the start times shown below. CANOEING Learn about the different strokes, safety precautions and how to get the most out of your time in the canoe. Lake Minnewashta Regional Park Day Date Time Ages Cost Code KAYAKING Learn how to paddle in a kayak, get exercise and enjoy fresh air while you explore the shorelines and bays of Lake Minnewashta. Lake Minnewashta Regional Park Day Date Time Ages Cost Code STAND UP PADDLEBOARD Try stand-up paddleboarding, an exciting way to explore the water that offers a full body workout. Lake Minnewashta Regional Park Day Date Time Ages Cost Code FLIP &TWIST TUMBLING CAMP Calling all cheerleaders, dancers, snowboarders, divers, and others who love to flip, twist, and fly! Work with National Champion River Valley All-Stars’ tumbling coaches and learn basic tumbling skills and techniques based on individual ability and experience. Improve rolls, cartwheels, handstands, round-offs, backbends, and back handsprings. Tumblers will rotate through a series of challenging drills, bound through skill-focused obstacle courses, build strength and gain the confidence to level up on and off the mat! Beginners welcome! Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Thu. Aug. 22–25 10–11:30 a.m. 7–13 $70 Resident $80 Non-Res YP 822 Fri. Jul. 1 9:15 a.m.– 12:15 p.m. 8–14 $20 YP 701 Fri. Jun. 10 9:15 a.m.– 12:15 p.m. 8–14 $25 YP 610 RIVER VALLEY ALL-STARS CAMPS (NEW) CHEER CAMP Come learn cheer skills and fundamentals with National Champion River Valley All-Star Cheerleaders! Athletes will spend time working on tumbling, stunting, jumps and flexibility. Parents will be invited to watch an exhibition on the last day to see what skills were learned during the camp. Every athlete will receive a free t-shirt with registration. Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Thu. Aug. 15–18 10 a.m.–Noon 5–11 $118 Resident $128 Non-Res YP 815
other football related skills and drills. Muenchow Fields, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time
Jun. 23–Aug. 4 (No class on Jul. 7)
YPFB 1001
1–2:15 p.m.
$40 Resident $50 Non-Res
YPFB 1002
2:30–3:45 p.m.
DISC GOLF CLINIC Learn the basics of what it takes to play disc golf while honing your skills
in distance throws and putting. Lions Park, 1103 Adams St. S. Day Date Time
Ages Cost
YP 627 YP 711
Jun. 27
4–5 p.m.
8–12 $5
Jul. 11
ADVENTURE DAY CAMP Explore what is happening in the outdoors surrounding a daily theme. Campers will learn new games, make creative art projects, and go on a
field trip that is sure to be a blast! Youth Building, 1099 Adams St. S. Day Date Time
Ages Cost
Code YCAM 001
Mon.– Thu.
Aug. 8–Aug. 11 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. 6–12 $125 Resident $135 Non-Res
NINJAWARRIOR CAMP Test your ninja warrior skills through a variety of obstacle courses. On the last day of camp, participants will take a field trip to Obstacle Academy in Eden Prairie. Location TBD Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Wed. Jun. 27–29 9–11 a.m. 5–8 $65 Resident $75 Non-Res YP 627 Jul. 25–27 YP 725 ARCHERY CAMP Beginners will learn about the bow, signals, form and technique required to enjoy archery. More experienced archers will have the opportunity to fine tune their skills by shooting a lot of arrows and playing fun games. Shakopee Archery Range, 5981 County Hwy. 101 To access, continue past the Minnesota River Boat Launch parking lot on the east side of Hwy. 101. Follow gravel road west under 101 and pedestrian bridges. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Thu. Jul. 25–28 5:15 –6 p.m. 8–18 $40 Resident $50 Non-Res AA 005 ARROWHEADS ARCHERY CLUB Learn and review signals, form, and technique from a USA Archery certified instructor. Equipment is provided. Last day of each club session will meet at the Shakopee Archery Range. Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
AA 001 AA 002 AA 003
5–5:45 p.m. 6–6:45 p.m. 5–5:45 p.m.
May 17–Jun. 14
8–18 $35 Resident $45 Non-Res
Jun. 14–Jul. 19 (No class on Jul. 5)
YP 729
Jul. 29 9:15 a.m.– 12:15 p.m.
8–14 $25
AA 004
6–6:45 p.m.
www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration | P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122 9
Registration deadlines are one week prior to the program start date unless otherwise listed.
SKYHAWKS CAMPS BEGINNING GOLF CAMP Skyhawks golf focuses on proper technique and refining the essential skills of the game. All equipment is provided. Muenchow Fields, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Thu. Aug. 1–4 1–4 p.m. 5–8 $129 Resident $139 Non-Res SKY 801 MINI-HAWK BASKETBALL CAMP Learn the basics of basketball through unique Skyhawks games. Community Center Gym, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Thu. Jul. 18–21 Noon–1 p.m. 5–7 $129 Resident $139 Non-Res SKY 1718 BASKETBALL CAMP Designed for beginner to intermediate players, this program is designed to teach respect, teamwork, and responsibility, as well as passing,
DAY CAMPS CC EXPERIENCE Take part in all the Community Center has to offer. On the last day, we will be taking a trip to Sky Zone. Teen Center, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Thu. Jun. 20–23 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. 6–12 $125 Resident $135 Non-Res CAMP 001 SWIM AND PLAY Activities include a morning swim lesson from a certified instructor with plenty of free time in the pool, as well as sports, games, playground play and more. On the last day, we will be taking a trip to Cascade Bay Waterpark. Youth Building, 1099 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Thu. Jul. 5–8 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. 6–12 $125 Resident $135 Non-Res CAMP 002 THE GREAT OUTDOORS Get in touch with your nature side and experience all of the different activities you can do outside. On the last day, we will be taking a trip to Como Zoo and Hyland Lake Park Reserve where we will walk trails, have free time on playgrounds, and get to observe exciting animals from all over the world! Youth Building, 1099 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Mon.– Thu. Jul. 18–21 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m. 6–12 $125 Resident $135 Non-Res CAMP 003 DIRT SCHOOL (NEW) Come join the fun as we ride the new Xcel Energy Mountain Bike Course in Quarry Lake Park! Riders will learn to safely navigate the challenging roller coaster hills and berms. Quarry Lake Park, 6201 Innovation Blvd. Day Date Time Grades Cost Code Tue. & Thu. Jul. 12–28 9–11 a.m. 6–12 in the fall $105 Resident & 115 Non-Res YP 712
shooting, dribbling and rebounding skills. Community Center Gym, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time
Ages Cost
Mon.– Thu.
SKY 808
Aug. 8–11
1–3 p.m.
6–8 $129 Resident $139 Non-Res
Try your hand at non-contact lacrosse by learning the skills of catching, throwing, scooping and cradling. Green Meadows Park, 3100 Thrush St. Day Date Time Ages Cost
SU 613 SU 711
Jun. 13–16
Mon.– Thu.
9 a.m.–Noon 5–10 $89 Resident $99 Non-Res
Jul. 11–14
10 Shakopee Parks & Recreation Department Activities Brochure | Spring/Summer 2022
YOUTH SPORTS ASSOCIATIONS The City of Shakopee works collaboratively with Shakopee's youth sports associations.
DISC GOLF LEAGUES Get out and meet others in the disc golf community while enjoying some friendly competition. DUOS BEST SHOT Choose one other person to be your partner. Both throw from the same location and use the best shot. Lions Park Disc Golf Course, 1103 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Wed. May 4–Jun. 8 6–8 p.m. 17+ $30 DGL 504 SOLO Go head-to-head against everyone else in the league. There is no one else to help you out. Lions Park Disc Golf Course, 1103 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Wed. Jun. 29–Aug. 3 6–8 p.m. 17+ $30 DGL 629 DUO ALTERNATE SHOT Choose one other person to be your partner. Decide who throws first and then take turns playing from each other’s lie. Lions Park Disc Golf Course, 1103 Adams St. S. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Wed. Aug. 24–Sep. 28 6–8 p.m. 17+ $30 DGL 824
PICKLEBALL LEAGUE Get in on the fast-paced fun and compete in this ladder-style league. Players sign up individually and play three games a week with rotating partners at similar skills levels. Lions Park, 1103 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Hockey Association: www.shakopeehockey.com Mat Club (Wrestling): www.shakopeewrestling.com Tennis Association: www.shakopeetennis.com Lacrosse Association: www.shakopeelacrosse.org Each is governed by a board of directors that meets regularly and sets policies for its own association independent of the city and Shakopee School District. Please check each individual association on their current programs and registration procedures. 2022 CONTACTS Youth Baseball Association: www.shakopeeyouthbaseball.com Girls Softball Association: www.shakopeegirlssoftball.com Football Association: www.shakopeefootball.com Shakopee Soccer Association: www.shakopeesoccer.com Girls Basketball Association: www.shakopeebasketball.com Boys Basketball Association: www.shakopeeboysbasketball.com Volleyball Association: www.shakopeevolleyballassociation.com
May 9–Jul. 25 (No league May 30, Jul. 4)
AS 509
6–7 p.m.
18+ $15 Resident $25 Non-Res
45+ SENIOR SOFTBALL LEAGUE Calling all interested players who are looking for a fun, recreational, pickup softball league. Participants meet once a week and play a game or two. Wooden bats and pitching carpet are used (provided). There is no sliding. Tahpah Park Fields 6 & 7, 1490 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code
May 3–Aug. 9 (No league May 31, Jul. 5)
$15 Resident $25 Non-Res
ASOFT 2022
6–7 p.m.
www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration | P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122 11
Active older adult programs take place at the Shakopee Community Center, unless otherwise noted.
SCAN ME FOR MORE INFO! HEALTH ANDWELLNESS FOOT CARE Foot care, includes nail trimming and filing, foot massage, and work on ingrown toenails, corns and callouses. Party Room, Lower Level Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost Code
SCOTT COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY PRESENTATIONS PLAY BALL Learn about the fascinating history of sports in Scott County, from horse-racing to baseball. Community Room, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost Code Wed. * Apr. 20 2–3 p.m. Free CD 420 SOUNDS OF HISTORY Learn about the traditions and importance of music for Scott County residents, from brass bands to barn parties. Community Room, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost Code Wed. May 25 2–3 p.m. Free CD 525 HISTORY OF THE MINNESOTA RIVER VALLEY Learn about the Minnesota River Valley’s origins, its importance as Dakota homeland for thousands of years, and its more recent history as the site of entry and industry for European-American immigrants. Community Room, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost Code Wed. Jun. 22 2–3 p.m. Free CD 622 FUN AT THE FAIR Learn a little history about the Scott County Fair, from its inaugural season in 1857 to today. Community Room, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost Code Wed. Jul. 27 2–3 p.m. Free CD 627 MUDBADEN A sulphur hot spring created the ideal setting for a health spa and mud bath in a building that still stands today. Community Room, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost Code Wed. Aug. 24 2–3 p.m. Free CD 824 Registration deadline for all presentations: One week prior to event Sponsored by All Saints Senior Living and Benedictine Living Community. I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION A presentation outlining the patriotic history and historical background of the Pledge, its author, and changes through its history. Presented by Richard Middleton. Sponsored by McNearney Schmidt Funeral Home. Community Room, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost Code Wed. Jun. 15 1–2 p.m. Free ST 615 Registration deadline: Wed., Jun. 1 * Denotes a listing that has been updated from the mailed Activities Brochure.
QF 407 QF 519* QF 616 QF 721 QF 818
Apr. 7
9–11 a.m. You will be contacted for a 20-minute appointment
May. 19 * Jun.16 Jul. 21 Aug. 18
$40 per session
Registration deadline: One week prior to event
SHOEBOX MEMORIES Organize and preserve your photos with Aimee Olson, a holistic productivity and organizing coach. Learn how to sort photos, which tools/programs to use and how to archive photos. Community Room, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost Code Wed. Apr. 13 10–11:15 a.m. $12 CD 413 Registration deadline: Wed., Apr. 6 POLICE LUNCH & LEARN PRESENTATIONS Conversations with Shakopee Police Officers, different topic every week. Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost Code
CD 601 CD 608 CD 622
Jun. 1 Jun. 8
11 a.m.–Noon Free
Jun. 22 Jun. 29
CD 629 Free registration is required. Please register one week prior to event
Lunch Sponsored by TimWhitcomb Farmers Insurance Agency
12 Shakopee Parks & Recreation Department Activities Brochure | Spring/Summer 2022
GAMES AND ACTIVITIES CARDS AND CONVERSATIONS Join us for cards, conversation and coffee. We are always seeking players for 500, Sheephead and Cribbage. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m.–Noon MAHJONG Blending elements of rummy and dominoes, it’s lively, additive and entertaining for everyone. Wednesdays from 1–3 p.m. ICE CREAM SOCIAL Kick off summer with a cool treat and refreshments. Ice cream provided by Culvers.
HISTORY OF SHAKOPEE SERIES Presented David R. Schleper, Shakopee Heritage Society. Community Room, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost
A+ for Teachers: Educators in Early Shakopee: The Shakopee Heritage Society will discuss some of the teachers from the past and other educators who make Shakopee a great place to live. Powerful Names Discussion of the eight names for this town, along with eight people who lived in early Shakopee, including Ṡ akpe II, Joseph Godfrey, Pelagie Eliza Faribault Manaige, and others. 2,416 People and 27 Bars…I’ll Drink to That! Shakopee in the 1930s In the 1930s there were 2,416 people who lived in Shakopee. And in that same town, there were more than 27 bars! The names and locations of the various bars in Shakopee will be discussed along with some stories of the people who lived in Shakopee during Prohibition. Weird andWonderful in Early Shakopee The barbershop that collapsed, the rats that invaded downtown, and the Japanese American young adults from the Gila River War Relocation project who arrived at the Shakopee NYA Center, along with visitors to Shakopee such as presidents, the famous flyer Charles Lindbergh, and the father of RedWing Pottery will all be covered in this session. After the use of canoes, ships, and horses, the beginning of the 1900s was a transportation revolution. Planes were utilized, as well as trains, which switched the focus from the Minnesota River to the railroad tracks, and the cars began overtaking the roads over time. This presentation will discuss some of the stories about transportation in the 1900s. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles: Transportation in Early Shakopee
CD 412
Apr. 12
CD 510
May 10
CD 614
Jun. 14
� akpe ti Lounge, Community Room, Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Cost
1–2 p.m. Free
Code SE607
Jun. 7 1–2 p.m.
Registration deadline: Tue., May 24
CD 712
Jul. 12
MUSIC & BBQ Kick up your heels for a summertime event filled with music and great food. Lions Park Shelter #1 Day Date Time Cost Code
CD 816
Aug. 16
Jun. 14 11 a.m.– 1 p.m.
Registration deadline: Tue., May 31
Registration deadline: One week prior to event
KAYAK/CANOE TAYLORS FALLS TO OSCEOLA, WI TOUR A six-hour paddle trip. Open to all abilities. Choices of one- or two-person kayak or canoe (must be chosen at the time of registration). Trip includes transportation in a luxury coach, lifejacket, rentals, and picnic lunch on the bank of the river. Dinner on your own tab as we stop at a fast-food choice on the way home. Bus
CHANHASSEN DINNER THEATRE: FOOTLOOSE The Tony Award-nominated musical with Grammy and Academy Award nominated songs hits the Main Stage. Lunch and show.
Day Wed.
10:30 a.m.–4 p.m. *
ST 713
Jul. 13
Registration deadline: Wed., Jun. 13
leaves from the Community Center. Launching fromTaylors Falls, MN and landing in Osceola, WI Day Date Time Cost
IVES MATINEE LUNCH AND SHOW Lunch will be served at Masonic Heritage Center. Performance will be at the attached Ives Auditorium in Bloomington. LIFE IS A CABARET Sometimes life is wild! Features music and stories presented by Alive & Kickin’s. This highly inspirational performance illustrates persevering through it all while living life to its fullest. Day Date Time Cost Code Thu. Jun. 16 11:15 a.m.–4:15 p.m. $77 ST 616 Registration deadline: Tue., Jun. 1 DISCO FEVER Presented by Sidekick Theatre. Features the greatest hits from the‘70s Disco era. Band and vocalists dressed in vintage costumes and performing retro dance moves. It’s fun for all generations. Day Date Time Cost Code Wed. Aug. 17 10:45 a.m.–3:30 p.m. $77 ST 817 Registration deadline: Wed., Aug. 3
ST 712
Jul. 12 7 a.m.– 7 p.m.
Registration deadline: Tue., Jun. 28
Metro Dining Club Cards Still Available The Shakopee Community Center and Metro Dining are offering an opportunity to enjoy two-for-one-dining at 138 south of the river restaurants. These cards have been reduced for $20 at the Community Center Front Desk.
* Denotes a listing that has been updated from the mailed Activities Brochure.
www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration | P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122 13
Registration deadlines are one week prior to the program start date unless otherwise listed.
MDHA ARCHERY EVENT Come on out and enjoy a Saturday morning learning about everything from archery safety to bow upkeep. Afterwards, get a chance to shoot arrows down the range at targets. Stick around once you’re done for refreshments, hot dogs, and prizes courtesy of the MDHA. Shakopee Archery Range, 5981 County Hwy. 101 To access, continue past the Minnesota River Boat Launch parking lot on the east side of Hwy. 101. Follow gravel road west under 101 and pedestrian bridges. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Sat. Jun. 4 10 a.m.–1 p.m. 6+ Free MDHA 604
LET’S GO FISHING Try your hand at fishing from the Lions Park Pond. The first 100 registrants will receive a free rod/reel
combo. No experience necessary and all equipment will be provided. Sponsored by the Shakopee Lions Club and Shakopee Parks & Recreation. Lions Park Shelter 1, 1103 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Code Sat. Jun. 25 10 a.m.–Noon 3+ w/parent $5 YP 625
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA PARADE March with us as we celebrate America’s birthday! Bring your decorated trikes, bikes, wagons, etc. for a short parade through adjacent neighborhood streets. Stick around afterwards to check out the Readmobile, some family friendly entertainment sponsored by the Scott Co. Library and a cool popsicle courtesy of the Valley Lions. No registration required. Lions Park Shelter 1, 1103 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost
SUMMER BEACH BASH What better day to kick off a summer weekend than Friday family day at the pool? Come join us on June 24 for Friday Family Beach Bash. Bring your family to the pool Friday and join us for a beach party. Performance from DJ Bob the Beachcomber, activities, contests, prizes and more! SandVenture Aquatic Park, 1101 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Fri. Jun. 24 11 a.m.–2 p.m. All ages Regular admission rates
Ju1. 1 Staging at 10 a.m., parade starts at 10:30 a.m.
All ages FREE
14 Shakopee Parks & Recreation Department Activities Brochure | Spring/Summer 2022
POP-UP SPLASH PADS Splish and splash in the cool spray of our fun portable water features. These free events are offered in partnership with the Shakopee Fire Department. Free hot dogs, chip, and water available while supplies last. No registration is required—just bring something to sit on and a towel! Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Date Time Fri. Jul. 8 5–7 p.m. Green Meadows Park, 3100 Thrush Street Day Date Time Fri. Jul. 29 5–7 p.m. 17th Ave. Sports Complex Day Date Time Fri. Aug. 19 5–7 p.m.
PIRATE TREASURE HUNT Ahoy Matey! We are calling for all hands on deck to help us find ye buried treasure on the beaches of SandVenture. This is an event for lads and lasses of all ages to come enjoy a Saturday at the pool! Featuring a Brian Richards Magic Show, buried treasure, treats, activities and more! SandVenture Aquatic Park, 1101 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Sat. Jul. 23 11 a.m.–2 p.m. All ages Regular admission rates SUMMER CARNIVAL Join us for a morning of fun games, prizes and treats for kids ages 3–10. $5 per child admission and no registration is required. Lions Park Shelter 1, 1103 Adams St. Day Date Time Ages Cost Fri. Aug. 5 10–11:15 a.m. All ages $5 at the event
SPECIAL EVENTS Mark your calendar for these upcoming events at SandVenture Aquatic Park: Sail into Summer Friday, June 10, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Community Center Member Appreciation Day Friday, June 17 Parents’ Day Sunday, June 19 Summer Beach Bash Friday, June 24, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. Celebrate the Red, White and Blue Monday, July 4, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Half-Way, Half-Pay Day Friday, July 15 Help Your Neighbor Fridays Fridays, July 22 & August 12, 5–8 p.m. Pirate Treasure Hunt Saturday, July 23, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.
www.ShakopeeMN.gov/registration | P: 952-233-9500 | H: 952-233-9502 | TTY: 952-496-4122 15
Registration deadlines are one week prior to the program start date unless otherwise listed.
AQUATICS The Shakopee Aquatics program utilizes the American Red Cross Learn to Swim Program. Please refer to the level descriptions on the city website ( www.ShakopeeMN.gov/aquatics ) to choose the one that most closely fits your child’s swimming ability. If you have questions on level placement, please call 952-233-9528. It is common for a child to repeat a level before advancing to the next level. Our instructors are committed to teaching your child the necessary skills at each level. Additional practice outside of class time is essential for improved skill acquisition and retention.
SESSION 3: Mon.–Thu., Aug. 1–Aug. 11 SandVenture Aquatic Park, 1101 Adams St. Time Class Cost
SESSION 1: Mon.–Thu., Jun. 20–Jun. 30 Indoor Aquatic Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Time Class Cost
SESSION 2: Mon.–Thu., July 11–21 SandVenture Aquatic Park, 1101 Adams St. Time Class Cost
SL 71C SL 71E SL 713
9–9:30 a.m. 9–9:30 a.m. 9–9:40 a.m.
SL 51C SL 51D SL 511
SL 61D SL 61E SL 612 SL 62C SL 62E SL 631 SL 643 SL 645 SL 65D
9–9:30 a.m. 9–9:30 a.m. 9–9:40 a.m.
9–9:30 a.m. 9–9:30 a.m. 9–9:40 a.m.
Frog Otter
Otter Trout
9:40–10:10 a.m. Parent- Child 9:40–10:10 a.m. Frog 9:50–10:30 a.m. Sunfish
$80 Resident $90 Non-Res
SL 72A
9:40–10:10 a.m. Parent- Child 9:40–10:10 a.m. Otter 9:50–10:30 a.m. Bluegill
9:40–10:10 a.m. Crayfish 9:40–10:10 a.m. Otter 9:50–10:30 a.m. Sunfish
$80 Resident $90 Non-Res
SL 52A
$80 Resident $90 Non-Res
SL 72D SL 731 SL 742 SL 746 SL 75C
SL 52E SL 532 SL 543 SL 544 SL 55E
10:20–11 a.m. 10:20–11 a.m.
10:20–11 a.m. 10:20–11 a.m.
Bluegill Muskie
10:20–11 a.m. 10:20–11 a.m.
10:40–11:10 a.m. Crayfish
10:40–11:10 a.m. Frog
10:40–11:10 a.m. Otter
Wednesdays, Jun. 15–Aug. 10 (No class Jul. 6) SandVenture Aquatic Park, 1101 Adams St. Time Class Cost
Sundays, Jun. 12–Aug. 7 (No class Jul. 3) SandVenture Aquatic Park, 1101 Adams St. Time Class
Code SL 11C SL 11D SL 111 SL 12C SL 12A SL 132 SL 14D SL 14E SL 21A SL 214 SL 212 SL 22C SL 231 SL 233 SL 24D SL 255 SL 256 SL 26E Code
5–5:30 p.m. 5–5:30 p.m. 5–5:40 p.m.
SL 31E SL 313 SL 312 SL 32E SL 331 SL 334 SL 34C SL 353 SL 352 SL 36D SL 41D SL 41C SL 411 SL 42D SL 42E SL 433 SL 44A SL 44C SL 454 SL 46E SL 467 Code
5–5:30 p.m. 5–5:40 p.m. 5–5:40 p.m.
Otter Trout
Sunfish Crayfish
5:40–6:10 p.m. 5:40–6:10 p.m. 5:50–6:30 p.m. 6:20–6:50 p.m. 6:20–6:50 p.m.
$80 Resident $90 Non-Res
5:40–6:10 p.m. 5:50–6:30 p.m. 5:50–6:30 p.m. 6:20–6:50 p.m. 6:40–7:20 p.m. 6:40–7:20 p.m.
Sunfish Walleye Crayfish
$80 Resident $90 Non-Res
Frog Otter
Tuesdays, Jun. 14–Aug. 9 (No class Jul. 5) Indoor Aquatic Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Time Class
7–7:30 p.m.
Thursdays, Jun. 16–Aug. 11 (No class Jul. 7) Indoor Aquatic Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Time Class
5–5:30 p.m. 5–5:40 p.m. 5–5:40 p.m.
Walleye Bluegill Crayfish Sunfish
5–5:30 p.m. 5–5:30 p.m. 5–5:40 p.m.
5:40–6:10 p.m. 5:50–6:30 p.m. 5:50–6:30 p.m. 6:20–6:50 p.m. 6:40–7:20 p.m. 6:40–7:20 p.m.
Crayfish Sunfish
$80 Resident $90 Non-Res
Trout Frog
5:40–6:10 p.m. 5:40–6:10 p.m. 5:50–6:30 p.m. 6:20–6:50 p.m. 6:20–6:50 p.m. 6:40–7:20 p.m.
Frog Otter Trout
$80 Resident $90 Non-Res
Salmon Muskie
7–7:30 p.m.
Crayfish Walleye
7–7:30 p.m. 7–7:45 p.m.
Adult Beginner Swim
16 Shakopee Parks & Recreation Department Activities Brochure | Spring/Summer 2022
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