Winter 2019-20 Hometown Messenger
QUALITY FOOTCARE Quality Footcare, a licensed foot care company, will provide foot care to seniors that have various foot care conditions. This includes a foot soak, trimming and filing of nails/corns/calluses, foot massage for circulation and the opportunity to work on other foot engagement challenges. For ongoing care, you may sign up for more than one date. Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Dates Time Cost Code Fri Dec. 14 9 a.m.-Noon You will be contacted for a 20-minute appointment. $32 QF 1214 Fri Jan. 11 QF 111 Fri Feb. 8 QF 208 Fri March 8 QF 308 WINTER ADVENTURE Four weeks of outdoor winter adventure at Cleary Lake Regional Park. We will enjoy the following activities: Kick-sledding, Nordic Walking, Snowshoeing and Cross- Country Skiing - Get tips on gear, sizing, and staying warm. Come prepared for the weather with layered clothing and winter boots. All necessary equipment will be provided. All programs will run regardless of the weather unless not enough snow. Depending on snow, we will provide alternate activities such as hiking and/or walking. We will meet at the Shakopee Community Center and transported to Cleary Lake via coach bus. Trip Pace: Extensive Day Dates Time Cost Code MEMORY CAFÉ The Memory Café provides great opportunities for those diagnosed with memory loss AND their care partners(s)/ family to engage with peers in a relaxed, unstructured environment. This atmosphere promotes social engagement and support through interaction with others experiencing similar lifestyle changes. No registration required. Open to all. Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S. Day Dates Time Cost Tues Dec. 18 Wed Feb. 6 - 27 Noon- 3 p.m. $75 Resident $85 Non-Res CD 206 Registration deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 30
SIMPLE SNACK IDEAS &WELLNESS GOALS FOR 2019 With holidays behind us, now is the time to set wellness goals for 2019. Learn about easy to make simple healthy snacks that are good for you, yet still taste good. Day Dates Time Cost Code Tues Jan. 8 12:30 - 2 p.m. Free CD 108 Registration deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 2 AMERICAN HEART MONTH-VALENTINES DAY Take action to better your heart and promote American Heart Month. Learn about heart healthy snacks and foods better your wellness program. Day Dates Time Cost Code Tues Feb. 5 12:30 - 2 p.m. Free CD 205 Registration deadline: Wednesday, Jan. 30 ST. PATRICK'S DAY - IRISH DISH Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, or the” Feast of Saint Patrick.” Learn to make an Irish Dish, a simple and healthy way for all your Irish friends. Day Dates Time Cost Code Mon March 11 12:30 - 2 p.m. Free CD 311 Registration deadline: Wednesday, March 6
The Shakopee Community Center offers fitness classes geared specifically to older active adults. Learn more about these programs on page 24. Classes include: CardioInterval Yoga Strength Water Aerobics
Jan. 29 Feb. 26 March 26
4 - 5:30 p.m.
Registration deadline: Tuesday, Sept. 18
Shakopee Parks & Recreation Department
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