Fall 2022 Hometown Messenger
Fire Department Open House is Oct. 10
Fire prevention The Shakopee Fire Depart ment is workingwith the National Fire Protec tion Association (NFPA) to promote the 2022 campaign: FireWon’t Wait Plan Your Escape Why is it even more important now than it was 100 years ago? Because today’s homes burn faster than ever Youmay have as little as two minutes or less to safely escape a home fire from the time the smoke alarm sounds Your ability to get out of a home during a fire depends on early warning from smoke alarms and advanced planning We at Shakopee Fire are here to help, not just when disaster strikes but also to prevent disaster from striking at all We hope you join us on Oct 10 for a night of education and fun!
The Shakopee Fire Department will celebrate the 100th anniversary of Fire PreventionWeek by holding its annual open house onMonday, Oct 10 from5–7 pm at Station 1, 2700Vierling Drive East The technical rescue team will be highlight ing some abilities of high and low-angle res cue Have you ever considered how firefight ers would work with Valleyfair to remove someone off the Power Tower if needed? We have! Come and see the demonstrations, pick up some free fire prevention materials that help you make a plan to escape a home fire, and see some new equipment that’s been purchased since last year The fire service has changed a lot in the last 100 years, but one thing remains the same:
I enjoy being able to write these Chief ’s Notes It’s my opportunity to share the latest Fire
Shakopee Fire Chief Rick Coleman
Department topics with many people in the community at one time There are so many things happening or in the works to share with you The Fire Department enjoys assisting the Police Department with their Night to Unite event, which will have already happened by the time you read this We’ve also helped the Parks and Recreation Department with their events, such as pop-up splash pads We also provide fire station tours, firefighter/fire truck visits, and other public education outreach upon request These are great opportunities for firefighters to get out and interact in the community and vice versa for the people in the community to share things with us In this issue of the Hometown Messenger, you will read about Fire Prevention Week and our Open House Please plan to attend with your family We have plenty of activities and fun planned for the kids! You will also read about the importance of smoke alarms There’s so much information out there that it can be confusing, so if you need assistance, please contact us And as always, the Shakopee Fire Department strives to be innovative We have recently purchased a blanket that assists with keeping electric vehicle fires in check This is not a new technology, but we feel strongly they will be used frequently To get more information, please visit our website at www.ShakopeeMN.gov/fire and “like” the Shakopee Fire Department Facebook page For questions or concerns, call us at 952-233-9570 or email us at firesafety@ShakopeeMN.gov
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