2023 City of Shakopee Fee Schedule
City of Shakopee | 485 Gorman St., Shakopee MN 55379 | City Clerk’s Office 952-233-9300 | Fax: 952-233-3801 | www.ShakopeeMN.gov
• Jennifer Lane Sanitary Sewer Lateral Connection Charge $6,097.00/acre This charge applies to all properties and developments abutting Jennifer Lane and connecting t o the Jennifer LaneS anitary Sewer between Valley Creek Crossing 2nd Addition to Wood Duck Trail. The charge is to be collected at the time of connection to the public sanitary sewer or the recording of a final plat for a development utilizing the sanitary sewer, whichever is earlier. • Whispering Oaks Sanitary Sewer Lateral Connection Charge $4,486 /SAC unit This charge applies to all future properties and developments connecting to the sanitary sewer extending along Muhlenhardt Road between County Highway 16 and Horizon Drive and along Horizon Drive between Muhlenhardt Road and County Highway 18. The charge is to be collected at the earlier of the time of connection to the public sanitary sewer or the recording of a final plat for a future development utilizing the sanitary sewer. Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge (SAC) units are calculated using the most recent version of the Metropolitan Council SAC Procedures Manual. $5,891. 37 /acre This charge applies to all properties and developments connecting to the sanitary sewer extending along Maras Street between 13 th Avenue and Hansen Avenue, Hansen Avenue between Maras Street and Stagecoach Road, and 13 th Avenue between Stagecoach Road and the City of Shakopee East boundary. The charge is to be collected at the time of connection to the public sanitary sewer, sale of property, or the recording of a final plat for a future development utilizing the sanitary sewer, whichever is earlier. The developable area is defined as the total area of the final plat or parcel, less areas of outlots set aside for future development, right-of-way, lakes, wetlands, easements encompassing the 00-year high water levels of stormwater basins, conservation easements and parks. $5,634.26/acre This charge applies to all properties and developments connecting to the sanitary sewer extending along the east side of Stagecoach Road between 13 th Avenue and Hansen Avenue. The charge is to be collected at the time of connection to the public sanitary sewer, sale of the property, or the recording of a final plat for a future development utilizing the sanitary sewer, whichever is earlier. The developable area is defined as the total area of the final plat or parcel, less areas of outlots set aside for future development, right-of-way, lakes, wetlands, easement encompassing the 100-year high water levels of stormwater basins, conservation easements and parks. $257.11/acre This charge applies to all properties and developments on Stagecoach Road between Hansen Avenue and Preserve Trail, Boiling Springs Lane between Stagecoach Road and Preserve Trail, Boiling Springs Circle, Preserve Court, Preserve Trail between Stagecoach Road and the City of Shakopee East Boundary, Creek Ridge Court, Kelly Circle, and County Road 18 between Eagle Creek Boulevard and McColl Drive. The charge is to be collected at the time of connection to the public sanitary sewer Lift Station or the recording of a final plat for a future development utilizing the sanitary sewer, whichever is earlier. The developable area is defined as the total area of the final plat or parcel, less areas of outlots set aside for future development, right-of-way, lakes, wetlands, easements encompassing the 00-year high water levels of stormwater basins, conservation easements and parks. VIP and VIP II Connection Charges The Valley Industrial Park (VIP) charges are applicable to properties and developments connecting to the VIP and VIP II sanitary sewers located in the Old Urban Shakopee. The charge is due when a property connects to the lateral or prior to the recording of a final plat for a development connect ing to the lateral. • Maras Street and Hansen Avenue Area Sanitary Sewer Lateral Connection Charge • Stagecoach Road Sanitary Sewer Lateral Connection Charge • Hansen Avenue Lift Station Sanitary Sewer Lateral Connection Charge
2023 City of Shakopee Fee Schedule – v1.1.23
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