2023 City of Shakopee Budget


 Fire Department Supervisor positions (3) to be implemented on July 1, 2023 with a net cost of $50,200. The three full-time shift supervisors would work rotating 24-hour shifts. Currently on-call fire officers (Deputy Chiefs, Fire Marshal, Captains, and Lieutenants) provide the supervision at night and on the weekends. They receive a monthly stipend and compensation for the hours they respond to a call vs. the firefighters on shift receive compensation for their entire shift (16 or 12 hours). With the current on-call positions, they are not present when needed for shift change meetings, pre-trip truck inspection, coordinating and executing training, assigned station duties, scheduling changes and employee oversight, etc. These duties are important for employee safety, accountability and consistency. We have seen an increase in call volume and on-call supervisors are responding to multiple over night calls. When hired, employees our placed on a wage scale based on their experience level. Employees will advance to the next step on the wage scale on their anniversary date until the top of the pay range for that position is achieved. Step increases amount to $154,600. The net General Fund impact of all personnel changes in comparison to the 2022 budget is $1,519,900. Other Expenditures The city utilizes internal services funds to accumulate funds for the purchase the replacement of city equipment. The funding source are annual rents (internal charges) to the appropriate funds. Increases to General Fund rent charges total $96,300 the breakdown is as follows:  Equipment Rent (Electric Vehicles added, increased replacement costs) - $35,900  Park Facilities Rent (Ridge Creek, Scenic Heights, Timber Trails added) - $29,900  Building Rent - $27,200  Information Technology Rent - $3,300 The net change in all other expenditures (excluding personnel and rent) is $576,700 the breakdown is as follows:  Tyler Building Permit Software (Tyler Assist and Rental License Module) - $70,000  Elections Pollpad/Tabulator upgrades - $66,300  Fire Department SCBA (allocated from equipment to operating, no net change)- $59,700  Motor Fuel (25% increase across all divisions) - $53,500  County Prosecution Cost Allocation - $50,400  Credit Card Fees - $31,500  Street Sealcoat - $20,000  Car Wash Painting - $18,000  Natural Gas (10% increase across all divisions) - $16,900  Miscellaneous net department adjustments (increased contractual costs, material costs, etc.) - $190,400

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