2023 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

its corporate limits by annexation, which historically has occurred periodically. The city has an executed an orderly annexation agreement with Jackson Township that will allow the city to actively annex certain portions of the township as market forces dictate. Shakopee is organized in Minnesota under Plan A, which includes a City Administrator, but the City Council retains primary decision-making authority such as policy setting, adopting ordinances and budget and staffing. The City Council has four members plus the Mayor who serve staggered terms of four years. All council positions are non-partisan, part-time and members are elected at large. The city provides typical municipal services such as police and fire protection, street and infrastructure construction, public works maintenance, parks, recreation, planning and zoning. Also provided are utilities such as sewer and storm drainage utilities, organized refuse collection, and recycling. Electric and water utilities are operated by Shakopee Public Utilities Commission which is appointed by the City Council but operates independently of the City of Shakopee. Economic development and redevelopment are controlled by the Shakopee Economic Development Authority (the Authority). The Authority is comprised of the Mayor and City Council members and is included as an integral part of the city’s report. The economic development activities of both staff and Council continue to increase from past years, as the strong economic climate in the region has provided the city with the benefit of planned commercial and industrial growth as well as expansion of several existing businesses and commercial sites. 2024 activity has already confirmed that the continuation of the growth trend will carry into the current year, as the valuation of building permits for the first quarter of 2024 was $51.6 million. Included in the first quarter 2024 valuation is 73 single-family home building permits (up from 30 in 2023). This number is expected to increase as additional phases of existing housing developments come on-line in 2024. The annual budget is the basis for the city’s financial planning and control. The budget is prepared by fund (e.g., General), function (e.g., Public Safety) and division (e.g., Fire). Major budget requests or initiatives are submitted in July by department directors. The City Administrator reviews the submittals with the Finance Director and department directors to determine the prioritization of specific budget requests. The City Council is presented with a proposed budget and a maximum tax levy in September of each year. This information succinctly details changes in the upcoming year budget, such as changes in personnel and position structure. It also includes funding requests that are unique to the specific budget year, the basis for the request, as well as requests for transfers and internal funding needs, such as internal service fund reviews. City Council is required to adopt a maximum tax levy by September 30. The final tax levy and budget are adopted in December after a public meeting, which provides the City Council and community impact information relating to both the budget decisions and property tax levies. Final


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