2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report



Local Government Information Systems Local Government Information Systems (LOGIS) is a joint venture of approximately 55 governmental entities that provides computerized data processing and support services to its members. Legally separate, the City does not appoint a voting majority of the Board and LOGIS is fiscally independent of the City. During 2021, the City paid $301,247 to LOGIS for services provided which is included in expenditures of the General Fund and Information and Technology Internal Service Fund. Financial statements are available by contacting LOGIS, 5750 Duluth Street, Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422-4036. 2. Discretely Presented Component Unit The electric and water utilities of the Shakopee Public Utilities Commission (SPUC) are self-supporting entities and collectively comprise separate enterprise funds of the City of Shakopee (the “City”). The utility provides electric and water operations to properties within the City as well as electric distribution to certain other areas outside of the City. The utility accounts for the costs of electric and water operations on a continuing basis and is managed by the SPUC. The SPUC Board consists of five members who serve three year consecutive terms. SPUC is presented as a discretely presented component unit because of the nature and significance of its relationship with the primary government. Separate financial statements are included in this report for the SPUC Funds to emphasize that it is legally separate from the City. Based on its relationship with the City, it would be misleading to exclude SPUC as a component unit. It is this criterion that results in SPUC being reported as a discretely presented component unit. The complete financial statements can be obtained from the Shakopee Public Utility Commission, 225 Sarazin Street, Shakopee, Minnesota 55379. 3. Joint Ventures and Jointly Governed Organizations Shakopee Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association The Shakopee Volunteer Fire Department Relief Association (the “Association”) is organized as a nonprofit organization, legally separate from the City, by its members to provide pensions and other benefits to such members in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. It is not a component unit of the City because the Board of Directors is appointed by the membership of the Association and not by the City Council. The financial oversight of the City is limited to approval authority for amending the Association bylaws when the change results in an increase in the pension benefit level requiring an increased City contribution. The Association has the authority to levy its own taxes for pensions and deficits and would continue to exist for its members if the City was dissolved. Because the Association is fiscally independent of the City, the financial statements of the Association have not been included within the City’s reporting entity. 4. Other Organizations


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