2020 City of Shakopee Fee Schedule
City of Shakopee | 485 Gorman St., Shakopee MN 55379 | City Clerk’s Office 952-233-9300 | Fax: 952-233-3801 | www.ShakopeeMN.gov
Small Wireless Facility Annual Rent (collocation)
Small Wireless Facility Collocation Agreement
Permit extension
$30 + $30/week
Degradation fee
$300 + All costs incurred to repair the street to the appropriate street restoration detail plates if the permittee elects not to repair the street.
Unauthorized work
$300 + double the permit fee (maximum of $1,000)
Curb cut
Encroachment Agreement Fee
$150/each agreement
Other work not specified above
Fee based on all costs incurred by staff (minimum of $75)
Assessment search report (paper copy)
Note: Assessment searches can be performed online by customers free of charge. • Complete or partial assessment rolls or reports (For shipping if applicable)
$25/roll or report +$5
Splitting special assessments/parcels
$600/request $30 + $45/hour
• Topographic/Infrastructure map (Hard copy and electronic) • Computer/Plotter-generated map (Minimum of $15/each)
$60/hours $8/each $10/each $15/each $50/each $10/each $10/each
• • • •
City of Shakopee street index map (large)
City of Shakopee map (large)
Aerial map (small) Aerial map (large)
• City of Shakopee Standard Specifications and Detail Plates
City of Shakopee Design Criteria
StormWater Drainage Utility This fee is charged per Residential Equivalent Factor (REF) * Acre/Billing Cycle (monthly). One REF is defined as the ratio of the average volume of runoff generated by one acre of a given land use to the average volume of runoff generated by one acre of typical residential land during a standard one-year rainfall event.
Citywide fee
$8.04/REF*acre/billing cycle (monthly)
Sewer Service
Fixed fee
$2.90/billing cycle
For every 1,000 gallons or part thereof of metered flow or water usage: City rate Metropolitan Council Environmental Services rates
$0.85/billing cycle $2.73/billing cycle
Unmetered residential water accounts
$25/billing cycle
Summer sewer cap
115% of a winter month
2020 City of Shakopee Fee Schedule – v1.1.20
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