2020 City of Shakopee Budget


Budget Impact: If your patience survived a city’s reconstruction projects in your neighborhood, CONGRATULATIONS! Road and utility construction projects equate to one big nuisance: roads closed, detours, access issues, noise, dust, periodic loss of water service, etc. How more disrupting can we be to your everyday life for a summer? Keeping the city’s infrastructure maintained to a sustainable level keeps a community viable. The Engineering Division carries out the strategic infrastructure planning from concept to design and from construction management to asset management. Engineering staff are consistently challenged with being experts in a wide range of infrastructure management and design, traffic safety, transportation planning, materials testing, project management, natural resources, contract management, underground utilities, surveying, private development and the many different multi-jurisdictional layers of laws, rules and regulations that the city must abide by and many times enforce. Our department consistently seeks the continuing education to ensure we stay sharp in our field and all the latest and greatest technologies. Thank you in advance for your patience in all that we do. With a new building and recent staff changes, our division is continuing to improving our system service and internal systems in 2020. We anticipate this will be another year of improvements in how we do business internally and in our partnership with other city departments, particularly the Department of Planning and Development.







Engineering 3.8%

Actual 2017 Actual 2018 Budget 2019 Budget 2020

Number of Employees (FTEs)

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